Register for The Win Your Divorce Challenge

Take Back Your Peace and Power After Experiencing Narcissistic Abuse (Even Though You Can't Go No Contact And Your Ex Is Still Trying To Pull All of The Strings)

Topics We'll Be Covering In The Challenge:

  • What's next if you're feeling an emotional void after years of constant anxiety and chaos - we will be discussing where to start creating joy, happiness, and a life you truly love so that you don't stay stuck beyond a reasonable period of sadness and grief associated with loss and divorce
  • The 3 phases of healing I have witnessed with women who have experienced narcissistic abuse
  • The 5 BIG mistakes women make that prolong their recovery process after separation and divorce
  • How to create a strong foundation for getting back on your feet using the principles I teach for healing and moving through the heartbreak of betrayal trauma so that you can do what you need to do through the legal process and show up for your kids -- even when your ex is continuing to try and control everything
  • The 11 Communication Principles I teach my clients that you need to know when having to communicate with an ex. These principles, when put into action, will save you time, and energy and protect your peace, mental and psychological safety

How It Works:

Starting July 1, 2024 you'll receive a video and challenge to take action over 5 days sent straight to your email inbox. You will have free access for a limited time to participate and watch the videos.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.