Register for the Pain to Power Masterclass

You've read all the books on relationships and narcissistic abuse, and have even tried therapy, but you still remain stuck, unable to move forward. In this masterclass, learn how to shift out of victim mode, and into personal power mode, in a covert narcissistic relationship. Even if your partner is not open to changing.

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    Leanne Oaten

    Top Rated Transformation Coach for Women, Retired Therapist with over 8 years experience working with clients and students

    Who am I?

    I'm a leader for conscious women who are living in a narcissitic relationship experiencing covert narcissistic abuse. Covert narcissistic abuse is difficult to spot, and many women are living with this every day, and don't even know it. My mission and passion is to guide women to awakening, self empowerment and healing so they can make healthy decisions about their relationship future from a place of peace and power, and to decide on a new path, whatever that is for them.

    What You Will Learn in the Class:

    • 7 big mistakes you're making that are keeping you feeling trapped in the relationship (and how to shift them)
    • My step by step process for ending the crazy-making cycle of covert narcissitic abuse in your relationship
    • 5 Keys to transform your pain into power and get out of victim mentality
    • Why therapy is not the solution (and will actually make things worse)
    • How to disentangle from the constant obsessing over your partner's behavior
    • How to experience more good feeling days, even when your partner is trying to bring you down
    • And so much more....